"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Thich Nhat Hanh
helping co-create all things anew
Awarezen 圆觉禅 exists to to help co-create all things anew. We do this by inviting awareness and compassion, bliss and exuberance to manifest in human consciousness for this planet to become a hospitable home for all, saturated with life, love, and light in luminous hope for the new creation. On this transformative journey, we seek to dissolve deceptions and evoke new consciousness of what is real within and without. We connect to the deepest dimensions of being alive and awake.
Meditation Space
Awarezen is an online meditation space, offering distinctive signature programs free of charge. Individual consultation and mentoring customized to each person is available, for free. We are a community service, not a business. We do not believe in commodification of meditation and spirituality for money. We flow in the economy of gifts not profits. This practice is in accord with the ancient hallowed heritage of dana (generosity) found in South Asian wisdom traditions of Buddhism and Yoga.
Creative Missiology
Awarezen is an expression of "alternative missiological imaginary" (Duerksen 2022) and creative "inreligionisation" (Tan 2022) but with a difference: it is not only a place where Dhamma seekers belong to Christ but also a common ground where Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians as well as the non-religious join together in the third space of interspiritual and intercontemplative participation. Everything and everyone belongs in this cosmotheandric reality where God, cosmos, and humanity are a dynamic seamless whole in creative evolution (DeMoor, 2022).
Contemplative Community
Awarezen is also a contemplative community of grace steeped in embodying truth beyond exterior trappings of religion or tradition, enacting awareness and compassion for a culture of awakening and renewal. We transcend divisions and binaries to embody the third space of interspiritual belonging within which multiple ways of belonging are embraced and explored, not feared and excised. We are open to gender and sexual pluralities in our midst even as we embrace an "amipotent" God of non-controlling egoless love.
Cosmotheandric Vision
We are mindful of our deep participation in the "emerging wholeness of God, world, and humanity through the power of love in our scientific age." (Ilia Delio, Center for Christogenesis). We move beyond mainline dogmatic thinking to celebrate a mimetic, open, and relational paradigm of creation and humanity deeply ensconced in the fabric of the Divine (Rene Girard and Thomas Jay Oord). This is the paradigm of a cosmotheandric Christ (Raimon Panikkar).
Mutual Subversive Fulfilment
We embrace the dialogical space of nondual mutuality between Dhamma and Christ. Nonduality here means that both Dhamma and Christ share in the one taste of lucid emptiness. Mutuality means that Dhamma and Christ are entwined in an ecstatic dance of mutual self-giving and self-emptying in love (kenosis). Awarezen embodies and enacts the subversive fulfilment of the Dhamma in Christ and Christ in the Dhamma.
This is an arc of dynamic double-movement whereby the totality of wisdom and practice of the Dhamma finds its completion and consummation in the innermost essence of Christ, which is non-abiding emptiness of nirvana; and the fullness of a life of grace and faith in Christ culminates in the unborn, unoriginated, unmade, and undying expanse of non-abiding nirvana. This nirvana is also the known as the quintessential body of truth (svabhavika-dharmakaya) — that is, the innermost and ultimate dimension of a Buddha.
This mutual subversive fulfilment enacts the deep inner dynamics of Awarezen's path of total awakening known as the Great Christic Consummation. Here, we participate in actualizing the Dhamma in the ambience of abiding in Christ beyond words and concepts. While both Dhamma and Christ are empty of inherency, they each have their nominal distinctiveness thus mutually fulfilling, deepening, and enriching each other in "absolute balance, piercing clarity, and inexhaustible exuberance" (Sadhguru). This is Yoga (union).
an invitation to freedom and newness of life
With forty-nine years of meditative experience, four decades of training in nondual wisdom teachings of Asia, and ten years of Christian spiritual and theological formation, I'm an experienced former university professor with a Ph.D. in Studies in Religion (since 2003) from Australia. I have integrated my lifelong learnings into a direct, minimalist, immediate and relational process of nondual wisdom transmission and practice for a time such as this. This is education for the whole person from the core outwards: activating the essence and emanations of human consciousness for a whole and ecstatic life well-lived. My teaching is grounded in a nondual perspective with a difference: the mutuality of love born of grace.
I have 15 years' experience as an occupational therapist in Singapore and Australia. I was trained in international relations in 2009 and enjoy geopolitical analysis. Fully certified in Neurosemantics since 2003 and Meta-Coaching since 2004, I’ve been successfully coaching clients throughout the Brisbane metropolitan area of Australia and facilitating their self-growth. If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s uncertainties, my work aims to introduce calm, clarity, and insight. In this season of my work in nondual wisdom, I'm particularly keen to help people see the reality of experience and touch the beauty of uncreated grace beyond the grip of self-effort.
In the white fire of awareness suffused by grace, all that you are not is melted away. All that remains is who you really are: pure, unconditioned, and open unknowingness dancing freely in the midst of a world in crisis. We become quietly subversive presences in a dystopic world, nudging it away from self-annihilation towards a culture of peace enlightened by Asian and Biblical paradigms of wisdom and multipolarity. As mirrors and witnesses of the living Christ, we co-participate in the renewal of creation towards justice, mercy, peace, love, and goodness.
In reality, there is no "transmission"— no transfer of anything from anyone to anyone. There is only the revealing and unveiling of who we are in our natural primordial being-less being. Aware and free. That is all. And yet ... there is more. As our pristine empty being is primed and open to truth, grace breaks forth and shines through to change everything (see, for example, Galatians 2:20 and Philippians 3:7-11). Are you ready?
“If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”
Dalai Lama
Upcoming Events
- Tue, 28 JanAwarezen Sanctuary. RSVP for Zoom link.28 Jan 2025, 10:00 am – 11:00 am SGTAwarezen Sanctuary. RSVP for Zoom link.Christic Be:longing seeks to support diverse peoples in coming to know Jesus, not so much as an answer but as a question — to live out a contemplatively profound life in the cosmotheandric Christ that is the ineffable seamless reality of God, cosmos, humanity, and indeed everything.
- Wed, 05 FebCorymbia Zen Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.05 Feb 2025, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm SGTCorymbia Zen Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.Corymbia Sangha is a para-ministry of Awarezen set in the non-aligned interspiritual and secular dharma space. Here at this Sangha, we come together as unique beings in a dharma community, encouraging each other to nurture a culture of awakening through meditative inquiry.
- Thu, 06 FebAwarezen Gompa. RSVP for Zoom link.06 Feb 2025, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm SGTAwarezen Gompa. RSVP for Zoom link.A fortnightly group meditation practice based on the signature teaching and transmission of nonduality at Awarezen. All are invited into this open clearing of inquiry and quiescence, wisdom and compassion, silence and luminosity unlimited by space, time, self, entity, and world.
- Date and time is TBDAwarezen Sanctuary. RSVP for Zoom link.Date and time is TBDAwarezen Sanctuary. RSVP for Zoom link.A relaxed informal sharing and teaching on the spiritual roots of the unique Awarezen Lineage that blends streams of wisdom from Buddha Dharma and Indian Tantra within the crucible of the cosmotheandric Christ.
- Date and time is TBDAwarezen Retreat Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.Date and time is TBDAwarezen Retreat Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.An intensive multi-day meditation retreat online for committed meditators aimed at deepening, empowering, and illuminating one's practice for irreversible entry into the Path of awakening which leads to liberation from chronic dissatisfaction.