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Corymbia Sangha Satsang

Wed, 19 Jun


Corymbia Zen Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.

Corymbia Sangha is a para-ministry of Awarezen set in the non-aligned interspiritual and secular dharma space. Here at this Sangha, we come together as unique beings in a dharma community, encouraging each other to nurture a culture of awakening through meditative inquiry.

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Corymbia Sangha Satsang
Corymbia Sangha Satsang

Time & Location

19 Jun 2024, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm SGT

Corymbia Zen Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.

About the event

Here at Corymbia Sangha, we are as profoundly touched by the miraculous ordinariness of each moment as by the ten thousand joys and sorrows of our age (saeculum) captured by delusive and afflictive tendencies. No religious frills and drills, just a plain pragmatic and open approach to life and meditation.  A radical and engaged dharma denuded of religious enculturation is what we aspire to understand and practice. Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-2022), Chan master Sheng Yen (1931-2009), Acariya Godwin Samararatne (1932-2000), and Tantric master Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (1921-1990) are salient sources of inspiration. I celebrate and imbibe the  spirit of uncompromising inquiry exemplified by Jiddu Krishnamurti  (1895-1986) who showed us what relentless energy is needed for examining the nature of life to the end without fear.

Our Corymbia Sangha Satsang will focus on radical inquiry in the context of silent illuminating awareness. Just pure and direct recognition of what is, with curiosity and even perplexity. Attentiveness gradually shifts from mindfulness to inquiry, and from inquiry to abidance. Unhooking from mental fabrications, awareness recognizes its self-luminosity and self-knowing that is empty yet freely and fully cognizant of  whatever appears in experience without censorship. In this relationship to the whole and as whole, there is love. Not artificially contrived by thought and belief, but by natural unfolding of nonduality of shared interbeing rooted in pure un-being. We will engage in conversation about how we would like to proceed as a community engaged with place and history from the ground of nirvana. RSVP to register interest and receive Zoom link by email to

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