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Original Wakefulness Retreat

Sat, 24 Sept


Awarezen Practice Hall

A quarterly meditation retreat based on the signature teaching and transmission of nonduality at Awarezen. All are invited into this open clearing of inquiry and quiescence, wisdom and compassion, silence and luminosity unlimited by space, time, self, entity, and world.

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Original Wakefulness Retreat
Original Wakefulness Retreat

Time & Location

24 Sept 2022, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm SGT

Awarezen Practice Hall

About the event

Original Wakefulness Retreat is a series of meditative explorations into key aspects of deeper meditation in the context of micro-retreat. We will be guided through perspectives and dimensions of nonduality directly and indirectly, through precise pointing-out instructions from the heart of awareness. We enter and abide in the direct path of immediate recognition of awareness—empty and space-like; transparent and spontaneous; unborn and undying; effulgent and luminous; stainless and secure; indestructible and incorruptible; without division, conflict, lack, or resistence.

In terms of indirect methods, we will receive an integrated pathway of practice embracing lucid quiescence (jhana) and formless immersions (aruppa), deep insight (vipassana), silent illumination (默照禅) and critical phrase (话头禅), and unborn natural awareness (mahamudra and dzogchen)—all luminously held and fluidly enacted in an open centreless clearing free of reference points. We also nourish the effulgent energy of awareness in the form of loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity that transforms wherever we are into an ecosphere of divine radiance.

"Nothing to gain, nothing to lose, nothing to prove, nothing to hide, nobody to be, nothing to do, nowhere to go" is one way of describing Awarezen's contemplative ethos of free and bright spontaneity. Awarezen's signature teaching and transmission is unique and unlike any other: an integral nonduality shining out in (a) impersonal shared oneness of Being-in-emptiness synergized with (b) personal communicative otherness of Grace-in-mutuality. 

The retreat is offered in two blocks: first from 9:00 to 11:00am SGT and second from 1:00 to 3:00pm SGT. Anyone is free to attend either the morning or afternoon block, or both. In each retreat block, we begin with a guided meditation session with pointing-out instructions for about 45 minutes. This is followed by a 30 minute break where we can choose to continue sitting, do walking meditation, or have a restfully meditative break, each in our own locations. 

After that, we come together for co-presencing of awareness in loving silence, with or without guidance/pointing-out instructions. This is followed by Q&A and a time of sharing and discussion. A short affirmation and blessing will wrap up our time together.

All registrants for this retreat will receive a single Zoom link for both morning and afternoon blocks. Please indicate which retreat block you wish to attend, or if you wish to attend both blocks.

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