Awarezen is a missional and spiritual formation ministry that reaches out to people seeking to transform their minds and lives through meditation. Many are practicing or intend to practice Buddhist and other nondual meditation approaches including Advaita, Chan/Zen, Yoga, and Tantra. Awarezen takes away the religious embellishments and ritualism wrapping these methods to reveal the pristine essence of liberation and awakening for human flourishing. Ultimately, even such liberation and awakening—seen and confronted as destructive bondage of sinful rebellion and resistance to God— is to be transcended and subversively fulfilled in the person and redemptive work of Christ: incarnate Logos, crucified Saviour, exalted King, cosmic Lord, and absolute God. Awarezen proclaims the supremacy of Christ in subversive fulfilment of all Asian paradigms.
Awarezen's logo portrays its trinitarian theology: that the ultimate origin, basis, and end of this online meditation school with a missional focus is the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is seen in the three overlapping circle design, simultaneously three and one. The fullness of the Three One God of the Bible dwells in Jesus Christ, who is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature (Hebrews 1:3). Christ is indeed the singular Saviour God. No one else is like Him.
Awarezen aims to be a biblical, gospel-shaped, Christ-exalting ministry that proclaims the supremacy of Christ in all things especially in meditation. In other words, Christ is the supreme Lord of all meditation, east and west. By teaching meditation in this unique way, Awarezen participates in the co-creation of the new heavens and new earth through the eternal implications of our work and ministry here on this old earth.
By grace alone; through faith alone; in Christ alone; according to Scripture alone; to the glory of God alone. Amen.