In ignorance and delusion, our everyday mind is contracted, dense, tensed, bound in time and space, grasping and clinging, and reified as existing inherently from its own side, spewing afflictions and unwholesome states of mind. Identification with this mind forms the self-existing permanent self which is in fact false. This is samsara.
Veiled, unrecognized, concealed, and obscured is the naked awareness that is the source, ground, and ingredient of all experience, whether true, false, or mistaken. Unveiling and revealing this awareness is imperative, immediate, direct and intrinsically blissful and freeing. Self-grasping and clinging with the afflictive mind-states that flow from them reduce and eventually cease. This is nirvana.
Samsara is not separate from nirvana. Nirvana is not separate from samsara. Not inherently but nominally. That is why it is possible for samsara to be torn to shreds by a mind that, within samsara, realizes its essence of awareness that is one with emptiness—the absence of inherent existence of self and phenomena. This is the unveiling of empty awareness free of reification of selfhood and identity.
Primordial Divorce
Though reified selfhood and attendant defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion are burnt away in nirvana, a deeper unseen stain remains recalcitrant—primordial rupture of awareness from the absolute, God. This is a rupture born of rebellious autonomy of awareness implicitly substantiating itself divorced from its absolute Source.
Beyond unveiling of awareness is the unveiling of Christ, the absolute creator and redeemer of creation and humanity. Incarnation of the absolute—Christ—in history is the divine partaking in human nature so that humanity can partake in divine nature: not merely asserted divine but actual unconstructed divine. Death and resurrection of the incarnate absolute—Jesus—on the cross removes all blockage and barrier to the unity of God and humanity. The primordial rupture is healed. Separation is bridged. Opposition is unified. Sin and corruption are resolutely resolved. Communion of human and divine in a triune dance of love is made possible.
Grace-Given Revelation
Awareness unveiled is further revealed to be a breath of God: cradled in Him, known and loved by Him, saved and transformed by Him, and finally glorified in absolute splendour through Him, in His Spirit—indescribable, immeasurable, infinitely supreme Awareness who has loved us from Alpha to Omega, the beginning to the end, the first to the last.
Contemplatively speaking, this is salvation by grace through faith: beyond self-effort, self-occupation, self-striving, self-evolved spiritual merit, self-recognized awareness however boundless or nondual in meta-experience. Are you ready to fall into this endless love and finally come home to the One they call Jesus?
Can we recognize, return and rest into Jesus the Christ—our All in all—who transcends the cosmos and upon whom the cosmos is utterly contingent, not as an idea or ideology, nor as dogma or doctrine, nor as proposition or belief, nor as story or myth, but as a living realization shining into and out of our hearts?
Can we realize God as He is, stripped of all conceptuality yet brimming with an effulgence that is immediate, direct, and uncontrived? For without this direct and personal illumination, our ideas of God are likely to end in clinging and wrangling, exclusion and judgmentalism, conflict and pain.