Deluded human consciousness has been and is constantly preparing for war. Defence and military expenditure tells us so. Unambiguously.
Looting in the name of tearing down oligarchies; sending weapons to the war zone while talking peace; starving a whole human collective with sanctions for the actions of one; justifying such starvation sanctions in the name of peace and righteousness; blame-casting anyone who dares to feed them; drumming up war propaganda in the name of an ideology of freedom and a mythic history that plasters over human slavery and native tribal decimation; desperately clinging onto unipolar dominance rather than sharing power in a multipolar world; imposing upon the world a stagnating and exploitative paradigm of political-economy that privileges profit over people and nature, that sucks resources from periphery to centre, that is buttressed by a gargantuan military-industrial complex legitimised by ideological and religious nonsense—these are clear indications that humanity has been and are preparing for war.
Are we aware of this?