Contemplative Humanities
Thu, 11 Aug
|ACCT Seminar Room
Asian Centre for Creative Theology (ACCT) is a para-ministry of Awarezen focused on integral, contemplative, and spiritually-formative education for wise compassionate citizens of an increasingly conflicted future.
Time & Location
11 Aug 2022, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm SGT
ACCT Seminar Room
About the event
Asian Centre for Creative Theology is an educational think tank and virtual academy that explores contemplative and theological issues, It is a nexus for critical immersion in the teachings and theologies, philosophies and praxes of major faith and wisdom traditions that have emerged over the last three millennia of world history. We engage with and from the cultures of Asia in a spirit of sensitivity and immersion, decolonial sensibility and justice, and dialogical interspirituality and inclusivity.
At ACCT, we believe that exposing minds to global humanities and contemplative pedagogies is crucial to producing spiritually mature, profoundly wise and resilient, and contemplatively skilled individuals in touch with themselves and their ultimate purpose. On a broader contextual level, global humanities and contemplative wisdoms can contribute creatively to a wisdom-based society—moving beyond Smart to Wise Nation.
Within a contemplative framework, the liberal arts can forge positive habits of mind and heart through critical immersion in the classics of history, philosophy, religion, and literature in a way that is theologically-reflexive and philosophically-nuanced. In particular, the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual paradigms of China and India contribute powerfully transformative ideas and practices that feed into this growth and actualization process. The habits gained make wise courageous citizens that glorify the highest good and truth, contribute positively to the world, and embody lives of meaning and purpose.
EVOKE Micro-Seminars:
- Seminar 1 Plato’s Republic – Allegory of the Cave
- Seminar 2 Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamakakarika – Examination of Suffering
- Seminar 3 Zhuangzi’s Inner Chapters - The Principle of Nurturing Life
- Seminar 4 Dogen’s Shobogenzo – One Bright Pearl
- Seminar 5 Nuancing Global Wisdom for Good Living
STARTING: 28 July 2022 (Thurs), every fortnight thereafter
TIME: 5.30-6.30pm SGT
VENUE: ACCT Seminar Room via Zoom
EVOKE Micro-Seminars aim to present essential knowledge and insights in a micro-structured format over an extended period of time. There are no assessment requirements. All learners are encouraged to explore contemplative practice in some way, personalized to their distinctive needs and interests.
Each fortnightly session will focus on key ideas of four seminal thinkers and world influencers starting with Plato and Nagarjuna to Zhuangzi and Dogen. We will take our time slowly and mindfully through each thinker, delving into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom. Guided meditations help evoke and embody wisdom experientially. Reflective discussion and sharing connect as a learning community.
RSVP to register interest and to receive the seminar's Zoom link.
For more details on events and programs, see