Faith and Work: Dana
At Awarezen, all meditation modules, satsangs, fellowship meetings, events, programs, and retreats are offered as gifts from the heart. We operate in the spirit and hallowed Asian tradition of dana or generosity and giving. There is no fee or obligation attached. All who feel moved to do so are most welcomed to support my work financially via Patreon and/or PayPal. Again, no obligation. Awarezen functions and flows in the economy of gifts by the principle of dana, not consumerism.
However, there is a need to clarify my terms of work in good faith. A two -hour block of my time is worth $5,000 in local currency (SGD, AUD, USD, EUR, GBP). This is predicated on the basis of my therapeutic presence and skill, coaching and teaching expertise, expert knowledge and skill mastery in meditation, theological knowledge, knowledge of geopolitical analysis, and expertise in Asian religion and philosophy particularly Buddhism. This lifelong expertise has been accrued, honed, and refined over four decades, nearly five. Its real value is priceless. The real test is sincerity and courage.
On many occasions, I waive my honorarium fully for personal 121 consultations. On other occasions, I give a 95% discount particularly for church, sangha, and charitable organizations, and even more for individuals who need my service but have financial constraints. Faith at work flows with mercy and grace. The true at heart enter the gateless gate.
This is a matter of justice and fairness for all, including myself. It is only godly and right to fairly and justly honour who I am and what I bring to the table at work. We should not encourage exploitation and disingenuity in the marketplace, whether secular or religious. And there is wise consideration of situational justice and love for others as well.
I am happy to work with you if you are amenable to my statement of faith and work as stipulated here.

Awarezen is fully crowd-funded and receives no remuneration for the modules, satsangs, fellowship meetings, and retreats offered here. If you feel moved to support our work, you may become a regular patron at
Awarezen is fully crowd-funded and receives no remuneration for the modules, satsangs, fellowship meetings, and retreats offered here. If you feel moved to support our work, you may make a donation at