Thu, 04 Nov
|Quiet Fellowship Sanctuary
Quiet Fellowship: Great Reversal
Quiet Fellowship is a missional outreach and spiritual formation ministry. It exists to support and accompany diverse peoples in coming to know Jesus; and to live out a contemplatively profound life in Christ—restful yet alive in the Spirit and flowing in the unforced cadence of God's grace.
Time & Location
04 Nov 2021, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm SGT
Quiet Fellowship Sanctuary
About the event
At Quiet Fellowship, we welcome people of all faiths or no faith to explore a deeper dimension of life in contemplative awareness. We are especially open to authentic inquiry into aspects of spiritual living, not shying away from existential issues and challenges of life's meaning and purpose. A vibrant living faith is not afraid to doubt, to interrogate, to question. It is even open to the possibility and reality of not finding ready-made answers.
We aspire to build a community of grace and wisdom that supports our personal journeys of faith, nurtures our personal practice of contemplation, and weaves our personal stories and insights into a tapestry of collective awakening and transformation in Christ.
Great Reversal:
At this session we will explore how our worldly standards of value are often limited and contrary to Heaven's standards. Our ideas and conceptions of individual merit say more about us and our conditioning than God's approval. We often seek applause of our fellows in our desperate attempt to justify ourselves and bolster our fragile sense of self-worth. No matter how hard we try or how 'successful' we may appear to be, the fundamental vacuum of despair in our soul remains. Only in and through Christ can we taste and savour the joy of self-forgetfulness rooted not in our own merit or good works but in the perfect finished work of the immeasurable Christ, our Treasure of supreme merit and value. We might be surprised at how status is reversed and values inverted when we encounter Christ in His upside-down kingdom that shatters our preconceived boxes.
We will commence our session with a short prayer, moving seamlessly into guided meditation, followed by reflective reading of a bible passage accompanied by deep silent listening. We will then share reflections, emerging questions and issues, and conclude with prayers (everyone is welcome to offer a prayer) and benediction.
RSVP to receive Zoom link. More on Quiet Fellowship at