Praxis means integrated theory and practice, where each informs and feeds into the other. Contemplatives are persons who embody and enact a distinctive consciousness of life and world from a ground of wisdom and love beyond all false selfing and false programs for happiness. We call them “mystics.”
Contemplative praxis is a total way of living and dying that studies and applies contemplative practice and presence across all moments, dimensions, and contexts of sentient existence in this cosmos. This is a meta-mode of human existence that has been transmitted to us through millennia of mystical exploration and contemplative inquiry in diverse spiritual communities around the globe.
Humanity has been bequeathed this precious timeless treasure of the spirit, one that illuminates who we are in our innermost being and why we are here on this earth. Narratives and metaphors may abound. Richness of diversity may be evident. But the diaphanous golden thread that connects them all is the shared human spirit of love and peace, joy and connectedness, wisdom and transcendence, faith and hope—in different languages and memes through human history. Let us not forget and negate our millennial wisdom heritage for the transient vagaries of money, power, accolades, possessions, and gloss.
Lest we regret and fall into perpetual despair. We’re almost there.
Credits: Contemplative Mind.