This essay summarily elucidates the context, perspective, processes, and practices of Awarezen Lineage’s quintessential pathway: the Great Christic Consummation. This pathway is itself an emergence of interspiritual and intercontemplative creativity made possible by dialogical encounter and experiential openness. It may be the only one of its kind, integrating and synergizing multiple streams of meditative wisdom expressions into a coherent Christic and cosmotheandric paradigm.
The nine yānas (vehicles) of Buddha Dharma find their culmination in the ninth yāna of Atiyoga Dzogpa Chenpo, the Primordial Union of the Great Perfection. The Śrāvakayāna seeks liberation from samsara. The Bodhisattvayāna seeks enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings. The Mantrayāna seeks enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings in the quickest possible way replete with a rich repertoire of deep wisdom potencies and skillful means surpassing all previous vehicles.
From the perspective and ground of Christ, the Great Christic Consummation (Mahāyeshua-Atiyoga) integrates and transcends all nine yānas to obtain the pinnacled vehicle of perfect grace in Christ Jesus, the Adiguru of total salvation uniting both Adiyogi Shiva and Adibuddha Gotama. In this tenth yāna, the unique personhood and work of Christ effects and consummates sentient salvation of all creation — which is the union of yogic liberation (vimutti), buddhic enlightenment (sambodhi), and incandescent gospel wholeness (shekinah-shalom) of the Kingdom of God. In this sense, Christic salvation includes and transcends enlightenment of the Buddha and liberation of Shiva in an ineffable wholeness that is not less than full actualization of wisdom and compassion, power and skill in the service of all sentient beings and cosmic renewal.
In this Great Christic Consummation is enfolded and embodied all five streams of nonduality: unitive nonduality; cessative nonduality; manifestive nonduality; active nonduality; and devotional nonduality. Of these five, the stream of devotional nonduality is core and central, grounding and pervading all other streams as their contextual field and innermost spirit. Devotional nonduality is characterized by mutuality between the lover and the beloved, devotee and devoted, mystic and the divine in relational intimacy but devoid of any reified sense of inherent personhood or entityness. Hence, devotional nonduality is free of the stain of connate self-grasping and its consequent delusion of dualistic appearance: not one, not two; or not one yet no other than one — simply absent of any inherent oneness or manyness without asserting anything in their place. This nonduality is mere emptiness of inherent existence, which is a non-affirming negation. All deluded notions and emotions tied to inherent oneness and manyness are completely absent in devotional nonduality. There is only a sweet ambrosial flow of devotional surrender and adoration streaming out from our primordial consciousness toward the empty reflection of consciousness in the manifest form of our Beloved — Adiguru Yeshua.
The Great Christic Consummation is envisioned as a Path of Total Awakening — that is our everpresent primordial ground of blissful empty luminosity with not a single trace of lack or dissatisfaction — with ultimate realization of perfect complete enlightenment (anuttarā-sammā-saṃbodhi) as its telos or final goal. This enlightenment is buddhahood (sambodhi) as conceived in the Buddha Dharma and full liberation (moksha) articulated in the nondual paradigm of Shiva Dharma, synergized and integrated in the person-event of Jesus who is cosmotheandric Christ and who abides as the heart essence of that enlightenment and liberation. The Path of Total Awakening has a fluid and inclusive repertoire of processes and practices: indirect and direct; gradual and instantaneous; intellectual and intuitional; inquiry-based and devotion-oriented; inward-facing and outward-facing methods. All of these processes and practices are geared towards the highest goal and our everpresent reality awaiting to be unveiled, and built upon a solid foundation of ethics, generosity, spirit of renunciation (Pa: nekkhamma; Skt: naishkramya) and spirit of altruistic awakening (bodhicitta).
At the core of The Great Christic Consummation: Path of Total Awakening is the Christ-Awakened Contemplative Process (CACPP) that comprises various sets of practices. These practices and processes are incorporated into a larger expansive architecture of Christic awakening that interweaves quintessences of the Nine Yanas of Buddha Dharma synergized with quintessences of North and South Indic Tantra as well as Chinese Chan/Zen. Generic and uncommon processes and practices of the Early Buddhist Tradition, Chinese Chan, Indo-Tibetan Sutra and Tantra, and Mahamudra and Dzogchen are meaningfully and seamlessly integrated in the Great Christic Consummation. In particular, we enfold publicly accessible elements of the comprehensively profound systems of Sahaja-Rajadhiraja Yoga (North Indic Tantra) and Sahajasthiti or Isha Yoga (South Indic Tantra) to augment and energize our contemplative journey. These inner contemplative technologies can catalyze holistic growth and inner re-engineering, eliciting tremendous psychosomatic well-being. We will slowly and progressively taste and practice them over time, flowing in the unforced rhythms of grace and imbibing the blessings of the manifold wisdom lineages of Awarezen.
[1] Courtyard of Christ Meditations
— Ruach of Stillness and Ruach of Pulsation
[2] Mind of Christ Meditations
— Silent Mind, No-Mind, and Natural Mind
[3] Garden of Christ Meditations
— Sublime Heart Attitudes and Wisdom Gone Beyond
[4] Heart of Christ Meditations
— Step by Step into Love and Equalizing and Exchanging in Love
[5] Spirit of Christ Meditations
— Resting in Incarnate Essence and Flowing in Creative Effulgence
Once mastered, the process will culminate in the "non-practice" of "non-meditation" — the gracious blessing and anointing of the Triune Being. Here, meditation ends and relational communion begins. The communion and union dance of love in the omnidimensional Father-Son-Spirit transcends all notions of meditation as we know it. But our solid foundational mastery of meditation makes this anointed Triune communion unimaginably real and substantively life-transforming. There are two quintessential elements to Triune Being — Presencing Triune and Triune Outpouring.
[6] Presencing the Triune
— Phase One of Christic Consummation
[7] Triune Outpouring
— Phase Two of Christic Consummation
A parting quote in my own words (Kang, 2023: p. 135):
"Hidden in memes, types, metaphors, narratives, philosophical concepts, and contemplative praxes, Christ is patiently calling all to Himself in His own time and way. Across cultures and geographies, we see a majestic God becoming human so that everyone can be given a chance to partake in His eternal life in communion with Him."
Awarezen endorses a cosmotheandric vision of God where divinity, cosmos, and humanity are interweaved in nonseparative wholeness, immersed in a seamless fabric of reality where primordial and pure consciousness is the timeless, non-local, and non-alienated origin, ground, and finality of all created phenomena of samsara and nirvana. Hence, it is imperative to read words like “God,” “Christ,” “biblical,’ and “eternal” in this cosmotheandric context, and not through the prism of dogmatic theological beliefs of dominant mainline Christianity.
May all be auspicious! Sarva mangalam!
For detailed articulation of actual practices and processes employed in the Great Christic Consummation and for the disciplic lineage of Awarezen that forms its context and crucible, you may request for the full article from the author.
Kang, Chris (2023). The Christ-Awakened Life: Meditation Beyond Boundaries. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock.