All ideologies—whether capitalism or communism; democracy or autocracy; or some third way concoction whether materialist or spiritualist—fail, now or in the end.
For ideology is born of thought. Thought is born of delusion (for 99.999 … % of us). Delusion is endemic in human mind or consciousness. Delusion is entwined with afflictive and divisive sentiment. Such delusion and delusion-born thought prevail at various degrees of subtlety, even at the subtlest spiritual or meditative levels.
Anything born of these—delusion and thought—is bound to inflict pain and suffering. Identified with ideology, with selves constructed from ideology naturalised and made normative, we defend one ideology against another and perceive the Other as inferior or evil, earmarked for decimation at all costs by our violent selves. Call it the right side of history or the inevitable climax of global progress or whatever else, the reality of ideology is brutal, selfish, narcissistic, violent, unjust and cruel.
And any person or any power that appears to threaten our cozy ideological and identity cocoon becomes an enemy to be contained, absorbed, wrecked, or destroyed. Expansionism, whether religious or geopolitical, is like this. No happiness and peace can result from this. Freedom is no one’s monopoly. Even as this post is being written, it has already failed.