We are now living in the thick of a digital world that is constructed and oversimplifies how things really are in their richness and complexity. Isn’t it interesting that the word “meme” is made up of “me” times two? As if to underscore the point that a meme is all about me and me. We live in an age of exponential self-ing.
Ancient philosophical terms like “maya” and “avidya” take on salient new meanings as we grapple with a weaponized digital world manipulated by multiple actors with vested interests and hidden agendas (some not so hidden).
Liberation (Pali. vimutti) and seeing things as they are (Pali.
yatha-bhuta-nanadassana) take on a new sense of urgency and importance as well. With mass psyops taking place via mainstream media 24/7, it is no wonder that humanity lurches towards full-blown catastrophe even as our minds become increasingly populated by socially constructed memes. Without mindfulness and meditation that cuts through illusion, we are destined to be trapped in delusion and bondage.
Watch: https://youtu.be/bdjncvSkoBY