Spiritual companioning is a gospel-shaped, Spirit-alive, and Spirit-led process of deep co-presencing and dialoging wherein one can enter an open field of silence and vibrancy in Christ, coming to recognise the movements of grace in their lives and leaning into these movements in faith, trust, and surrender to God.
Through this process, one can see more clearly what God is showing them; hear more clearly what God is saying to them; and sense more perceptively what God is impressing upon them. Often, there ensues greater clarity and conviction of one’s life direction, healing of deep wounds, and restoration of life within one’s soul. There may be tears of weeping and rejoicing, exulting joy and profound peace, and luminosity and silence of heart assured in God’s gift of salvific grace. The Lord sees and loves you.
The role of the spiritual companion is to hold that quiet vast space of Spirit-aliveness for you in the presence of Christ, asking pertinent sanctified questions as and when needed while being led by the Spirit of God.
As a trained therapist, coach, meditation mentor, theologian and philosopher, and scholar in Inter-Testament Studies, I am now offering spiritual companioning one-to-one via Zoom. I have noticed over the past few months and especially over the past two weeks an increasing hunger and need for such deep spiritual work amongst my close students and friends.
Hence, I sense God leading me to offer spiritual companioning to my wider circle of friends and students as well as to the wider community. If you’d like to explore this with me, feel free to email chriskang@awarezen.com to arrange a free, no-obligation, informal chat to discuss and explore whether spiritual companioning is for you. No worries if not. It may not suit everyone.
And if you do decide to enter into this process thereafter, feel reassured that I do not charge any fee for this. Every course, teaching, fellowship or satsang meeting, and even the process of spiritual companioning is a gift to you from my heart in the Spirit of Christ. This is a holy moment. Write to me if you’re keen.
Solus Christus. Soli Deo Gloria.