Time flows from future to past (Dogen). Time flows from past to present. Each moment contains all moments. For this moment cannot be without preceding moments. And this moment makes the next moment possible. Without this moment, there are no future moments.
Seek for this moment, you cannot find it. Without this moment, wherefore past and future moments? Seek for the one seeking, there is no one to be found. Empty moment, empty seeker. Empty emptiness. Yet everything is. Immediacy of this experience shines unimpededly. Dropping off bodymind, dropping off world: shimmering darkness, hidden light shines.
Enter into oblivion to radiate endlessly, for contingency is all there is of this cosmos. Sheer contingency melts into endless grace and holiness beyond compare, bereft of words, stripped naked of ideas—contingency contingent on the non-contingent One: the Father of lights. A low whisper and a gentle touch—glimpses of eloquent Word beckoning you home. JESUS calls.