In a wave of inspiration, I composed a prayer and benediction for anyone you may know who may be suffering from sorrow, despair, sickness, lostness, hopelessness, and anguish.
May this bless them!
Dearest friend,
with whom we share in the Oneness of Being,
in the One who loves and saves us all.
When all seems hopeless and bleak, remember one word: “seems.”
Everything seems. They seem but they are not, really. May the eyes of your heart open and see, like a pristine mirror reflecting things as they are, not as they seem.
May you cherish the smallest and humblest forms of life around you. And when you do, you touch the Life in the deepest place within you that you never knew was there. You are loved.
Within and Above—
they are One.
Healing hands binding and mending broken pieces into a fabric of unassuming joy.
May you be touched by the hands of the Master Kintsugi Artist, as He weaves the flaws and broken lines of your life and body into a wondrous tapestry of wounded wholeness—poignant and fully alive, finely lined with His gold.
May you awaken to the deep veins of gold in your own story, moments of beauty and bliss in the most ordinary of times.
May you taste the ambrosia of bittersweet things, seemingly broken but shining with glory nonetheless. For in Him all of us live, move, and have our being.
May you find what and who you long for from your very depths. For the Beloved you are seeking, is none other than lover who is seeking. The One for whom you thirst is the one who thirsts.
Why? You might ask.
Simple —
For He has become us by becoming flesh, and in the Space beyond space and Time beyond time,
there is Here and then is just this Now.
Rumi once said: beyond all notions of good and bad, there is a field. And I will meet you there.
I say: this field is not there but here. And here is Love. In Love, you and I melt into One. Yet remain, you and I.
Dearest friend,
Look up and live
Look up and laugh
Look up and love.
Looking up
Looking within —
Melting into a dance of ecstasy beyond all worldly standards of beauty,
but resonating with the sublime rhythms of Divine simplicity and elegance.
Not seen by fleshly eyes but by the innermost heart of hearts, where true Beauty simply Is.
Be free as you are, where you are.
Dearest friend, you are loved, even as you love.
Feel free to send this prayer and benediction to anyone whom you think may be encouraged by this. Blessings to all.