Intensive Meditation Retreat Online
Date and time is TBD
|Awarezen Retreat Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.
An intensive multi-day meditation retreat online for committed meditators aimed at deepening, empowering, and illuminating one's practice for irreversible entry into the Path of awakening which leads to liberation from chronic dissatisfaction.

Time & Location
Date and time is TBD
Awarezen Retreat Hall. RSVP for Zoom link.
About the event
Awarezen Intensive Meditation Retreat is a multi-day online Zoom retreat that lasts anything from 3 to 7 days, depending on interest and commitment from participants. It can even stretch up to 49 days for intrepid meditators (as per Chinese Chan tradition) with repeat cycles through the year/s. Each day's scheulde is from 8am to 4pm SGT. Outside the formal retreat hours, meditators are encouraged to continue their own practice and engage in everyday activities with mindfulness and clear discernment. For those in the United States and other time zones, alternative timings that suit may be arranged.
The purpose of these long retreats is to consolidate your meditation practice, build momentum for breakthrough insights, and facilitate deeper integration of everyday life into meditation. If and when conditions are assembled, there may be progress made towards realization of samatha-vipassana including rupa-jhana (form), aruppa-jhana (formless) concentrations, and aspects of insight-knowledge (vipassana-nana).
For mature ones, there may even be awakening experiences poetically described in early Buddhist suttas as “opening the Dhamma eye." This is where nibbana is realized for the first time as one cuts through all self-making into the heart of emptiness-pristine awareness. There will be some teaching but the emphasis is on solid practice, not to learn new ideas or methods. The teacher will offer 121 personal interviews with each meditator to support the practice.
RSVP to express interest or make enquiries.