When clinging to the aggregates of the body-mind continuum finishes, and one rests and abides as awareness, the pure knowing devoid of being a “self” or “knower” in any substantial, permanent, unitary, non-binary, or inherently established way, what happens?
There is no identity formation, no defilement, no afflictive emotions, no suffering. Provided there is no clinging even to awareness itself as some inherent entity. Otherwise we get caught in pseudo-nirvana. Awareness itself is simply like this, appearing but not existing inherently. Nominally imputed and dependent arisen, yet empty of even emptiness itself and thus ineffably present.
“That which is seen not to exist,
Is seen not to exist inherently
But is not seen not to exist at all.”
(Essential Nectar)
That is why we say that awareness (Tib. rigpa; Pali. vijja; Skt. vidya) is pristine or naked—stripped of any trace of inherent self or identity or entity-ness whatsoever. But this emptiness of awareness is at the same time luminous, able to give rise to appearances without measure. And blissful, naturally not contrived. But most importantly, awareness as such is ceaselessly responsive in non-referential compassion. Non-referential because there is no clinging or grasping to inherent self of other beings. Only a dance of compassion to the multitudes who are but empty displays of knowing yet nominally real in their anguish.
Hence, empty compassionate awareness flows on endlessly in myriad enlightened activities for the sake of all beings.
Cessation clear and pristine, suchness nakedly knows
Empty space shatters, empty cloud compassionately appears
Merciful heart liberating all, truth unfolds naturally.