We associate the Christian faith with the western world, as an English-speaking religion that may have little connection to Asia. But in truth, Jesus of Nazareth is neither western nor eastern but a unique personality from the geographical axial point that we may call the Middle East or Central Asia. In reality, Jesus embraces both east and west, and much more.
While commentators bemoan the decline of faith in liberal western lands, we can be encouraged by the observation that the Spirit of God is blowing mightily across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. There is a palpable sense of renewal in various quarters, in local churches and communities, not necessarily in big numbers or glossy embellishment but in a sense of revived inner spirituality and sincere wholehearted faith. I have observed this personally in the local church that I've been worshipping with this past year or so.
Here, I share a recent worship service and a sermon well-preached in Mandarin Chinese by Pastor Sun Aizhen 孙爱真 on "Diligently Entering God's Rest" 竭力进入安息. I found this to be a time of beautifully contemplative worship with an illuminating teaching on biblical silence and restedness, anointed with a heartfelt spirit of loving and faith-filled surrender to the Lord.
May the good Lord bless and touch each of you as you hear and feel the dance of His Spirit in your inner being, inviting you to enter into His rest so pure and true, that comes at the end of all self-making, self-striving, and self-attaining. By simply surrendering it all, and yielding that stubborn will unto Him, take up Jesus' easy yoke and be one with Christ in the perfect love that casts out all fear. All glory be to God. Amen.
Watch the service, holy communion, and sermon (sermon starts around 50:00) on the link below. The first period of contemplative worship starts at 11:11, followed by corporate praying in tongues at 28:51. Holy Communion together with recitation of the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer starts at around 44:00. A deeper contemplative mode of worship starts after the sermon around 1:47:10 onwards.
May you be blessed in the rest and refreshing of our Lord in His gentle and lovely yet majestic and glorious presence.