I decided to name this virtual meditation centre Awarezen for two main reasons. First, Awarezen comprises two key words: Aware and Zen. The term 'Aware' speaks of the centrality of awareness in its primordial and deepest sense. The term 'Zen' is the Japanese word for Chan (Chinese) or Dhyana (Sanskrit) found in Buddhist texts, which means 'meditative unification.' Thus, Awarezen is all about awareness and meditation—a contemplative process of inquiry that goes to the heart of who we are primordially, the essence and expression of our fundamental nature. Secondly, Awarezen can be read as blending the meanings of 'awareness' and 'citizenship' pointing to our mission to nurture wise, compassionate, gracious, peaceful citizens thoroughly imbued with and established in awareness. So, there you have it! Awarezen. May you all be blessed in natural awareness and bliss.